Wigan pays tribute to those who died at Arena bombing

Council staff and members of the public take part in a minutes silence in Wigan town centreCouncil staff and members of the public take part in a minutes silence in Wigan town centre
Council staff and members of the public take part in a minutes silence in Wigan town centre
Wiganers joined in a national minute's silence to remember the 22 innocent victims of the Manchester Arena suicide bombing yesterday.

Some of the hundreds of those injured in the explosion, and the families of those killed, attended a remembrance service at Manchester Cathedral alongside the Duke of Cambridge and Prime Minister Theresa May.

Outside, well-wishers laid floral bouquets and cards in the city’s St Ann’s Square, and thousands of messages of support on cardboard tags have been attached by members of the public to 28 Japanese maple trees which form the Trees of Hope trail from the square to Victoria station. More than 7,000 handmade stitched hearts have also been dotted around the city centre, with people encouraged to smile on the day.