Wigan children's nurse who administered antibiotics unchecked can return to work

Wigan InfirmaryWigan Infirmary
Wigan Infirmary
A nurse, who falsely entered information after administering antibiotics unchecked while working at Wigan Infirmary, has been allowed to return to work.

Children's nurse Michele Anne Teker was banned from the profession earlier this year after she was found to have prepared and administered intravenous (IV) antibiotics without asking another member of staff to provide a secondary check.But on August 6, 2017, Mrs Teker, who was a staff nurse on the Rainbow ward, falsely entered a colleague's name into the patient's electronic records as the second checker.

Following an investigation, the nurse of 17 years was banned for six months in March this year.

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A hearing of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) said that although the patient was unharmed, Mrs Teker's actions had put them at an "unwarranted risk of harm".

And while the panel said Mrs Teker h

Secondary checks have to be carried out when administering certain medication to verify doses of medication against a prescription and make sure the dosage and quantity being given to a patient is correct.

ad demonstrated a "good theoretical knowledge of safe medicines administration", she had not worked as a registered nurse since August 2017 and therefore lacked the ability to demonstrate this.

They also described Mrs Teker's action as "dishonest", going on to say that a suspension for six months was needed "to protect the public."

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That suspension is due to end on October 15, and a hearing of the NMC's Fitness to Practise Committee has ruled Mrs Teker can return to nursing with a number of strict conditions in place.

The decision was made on the basis that the panel had "no concerns" about Mrs Teker's theoretical knowledge of medicines administration and that she needed an opportunity to demonstrate this in practice.

In a report, the NMC said: "The panel therefore decided that a conditions of practice order was the appropriate and proportionate sanction. In formulating the conditions, the panel bore in mind that there are no concerns about your theoretical knowledge of medicines administration; what you need is an opportunity to demonstrate this in practice.

"However, you have been out of nursing practice for approximately two years, which in itself presents an inherent risk to patients.

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"The panel therefore decided that the following conditions would protect the public and support your safe return to practice."

These measures include:

- Limiting her nursing to a single employer.

- Work with her clinical supervisor and/or mentor to create a personal development plan, including her adherence to medicines management and administration policies.

- Inform the NMC where she is working.

- Let the NMC know where she is studying

Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust said that Mrs Teker is no longer an employee at the trust.