Wigan pub fund-raises to get third defibrillator for village

Derek Garland with fund-raisers Andrew Berry and Andy Brady and the defibrillatorDerek Garland with fund-raisers Andrew Berry and Andy Brady and the defibrillator
Derek Garland with fund-raisers Andrew Berry and Andy Brady and the defibrillator
The civic-minded team at the Eagle and Child in Billinge raised £1,680 for the vital kit to be installed outside the Main Street watering hole.

Fund-raisers led by the pub’s manager Derek Garland and Joanne Allman, who is the landlady and also his partner, have previously raised enough cash for a defibrillator inside the Eagle and Child and another one at a post office in Billinge.

However, as those are only available when the venues are open it was decided a third one should be placed at a location which was available 24/7.

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Defibrillators deliver a high-energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is experiencing a cardiac arrest.

Derek said: “This one will ensure that there is 24-hour access to a defibrillator for anyone who needs it.

“Occasionally the police have come to use the one in the pub itself and I just thought the emergency services or even a passing pedestrian would struggle if we were shut. Anyone could need a defibrillator at any point.

“It’s something I feel really strongly about. I would like to see a defibrillator in every public area.”

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Getting Billinge its third defibrillator required the Eagle and Child’s biggest fund-raising effort so far as in addition to the machine they had to pay for a secure box to house it.

Anyone who needs the outdoor one can ring 999 at any hour of the day or night and will receive the access code to get the equipment when they tell the operator where it is.

Pub customer Andrew Brady raised just over £800 for the latest defibrillator by shaving his head and another regular raised £280 with a collection bucket.

The pub also has a tub on the bar for drinkers to put spare change in.

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The fund-raising will continue as the team will need to maintain the equipment and source replacement parts for them and are also considering trying to install another defibrillator closer to Garswood.

Derek says the importance of having the kit was hammered home when the one at the post office was used within a fortnight of it being put in place.

He said: “I just got a phone call from the postmaster who said they had used it already. I couldn’t believe it.

“The person made a full recovery and a family member thanked us for getting it.

“Both of the ones we have already installed have now been used.”

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