Readers' letters - May 24

A reader recalls his experience of saving a birds life. See letter 				                 Picture: Sue Tranter ( reader recalls his experience of saving a birds life. See letter 				                 Picture: Sue Tranter (
A reader recalls his experience of saving a birds life. See letter Picture: Sue Tranter (
abortion'˜Conspiracy against midwifery'

I have just been reading an extraordinary interview with Prof Cathy Warwick, the President of the Royal College of Midwives, who has recently stated (without consulting her members) that all existing laws preventing abortions being carried out within certain time limits should be swept away. She has also stated that she will ignore the furore caused by her decision to ride roughshod over the 1967 Abortion Act, as demonstrated against by her grassroot member midwives.

It seems extraordinary that she was ever appointed to this position as president of the RCM when we learn that she is already the chairman of BPAS, the world’s largest abortion provider, surely a blatant conflict of interest? This must constitute a wilful conspiracy against the whole profession of midwifery. Who, as a young aspiring midwife, will now ever want to become part of an accelerating ‘Baby Termination Programme’, which she and other members of the Medical Profession give full credence to?

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The ‘Glasgow Midwives,’ whose appeal recently failed, were opposed to having to be made responsible for organising abortion procedures. This will now become even more the ‘standard operating procedure’ within their profession. I hope that someone will soon be organising some widespread public opposition against this latest blatant ‘Baby Murder’ programme by recommending her dismissal.

E J Tilley

Address supplied


Will age be the X factor?

An awful lot of politics is being banded about, but can you remember what the EU was supposed to be about when we joined?

Quite simply, a ‘Common Market’ for trading advantages.

Now it has stretched to those in Brussels and elsewhere making rules for us to obey.

On a recent caravan holiday, it has become apparent that our continental friends are in general agreement that the Common Market WAS a good idea but the continued interference from Brussels is deeply resented.

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I get the impression that they are all waiting to see what we do before they also seek changes.

I have a theory that people of a certain age, who remember life before the ‘Common Marker’, will vote ‘Leave’, while those who are younger are more likely to be frightened into voting ‘Stay’.

What age that dividing line will actually be, I’m not 

What do readers think?

Graham Archer,

via email


No gratitude from mother

Sitting in my conservatory, watching the starlings feed their young, I realised they were using my pond fountain as a bath. About 20 to 30 young birds suddenly ramped up the volume. On investigation I discovered one young fledgling almost drowned. Having fished the bird from the pond and saving its life, I was pecked on the back of my head by mother bird. That’s gratitude for you.

JW Vintin via email


Zero is best

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A key issue in the referendum is keeping the UK as close as we can to zero population growth. That is a cause espoused by Sir David Attenborough and favoured by those who value the environment, though not, apparently, by the Green Party.

JG Riseley via email

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