Readers' letters

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation is urging readers to eat gameThe British Association for Shooting and Conservation is urging readers to eat game
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation is urging readers to eat game
Corbyn and Orwell have similar views

It was an interesting letter from Cameron Fleming in the Wigan Evening Post last week (WEP September 30).

He claimed George Orwell would be sneering at Jeremy Corbyn if he were alive today – as the great author would believe working class people were being driven away by the Labour leader’s “out-of-touch” socialism.

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Mr Fleming quoted Orwell as complaining bitterly that this type of socialist was “bearded”, “a vegetarian”, “teetotal”, “prim”, “a crank and a pacifist”.

May I now bring to Mr Fleming’s attention to another of Orwell’s quotes?

He said in his column in The Tribune on November 15, 1946, that it was “doubtful whether we can solve our problems without encouraging immigration from Europe”.

Orwell goes on to say it is vital to “raise the general level of political understanding, above all, to drive home the fact, which has never properly been grasped, that British prosperity depends largely on factors outside Britain”.

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Whether one agrees with that or not, it seems to me that Corbyn and Orwell are singing from the same hymn sheet and that Orwell would have been the first to congratulate Corbyn on his latest leadership election victory.


via email


Pheasant casserole

October 1 is the first day of the pheasant shooting season.

As the season gets under way, there will be plenty of affordable, locally-sourced and delicious game meat available.

The UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), works all year round to encourage people to try game meat, which is healthy, highly nutritious and, above all, delicious.

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Shoot providers spend almost £250m a year on conservation and shooting is involved in the management of two thirds of the UK’s rural land area.

People who shoot spend 3.9 million work days on conservation each year – the equivalent of 16,000 full-time jobs.

Try a tasty pheasant casserole or ask your butcher about venison.

For more information and some easy game recipes, visit

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation


Stay in and raise cash

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As the autumn nights start to draw in, I’m writing to ask your readers to enjoy a night in with friends and family and raise vital funds for Target Ovarian Cancer.

Around 4,100 UK women die each year from the disease, and many are diagnosed too late.

Target Ovarian Cancer is here to change that, and we need your help.

Host a movie marathon or board games evening, relax with a pamper party, or light up the night sky with a fireworks night, and you’ll be supporting women with ovarian cancer.

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Raising £10 could give six newly diagnosed women a comprehensive guide to ovarian cancer, and raising £50 could enable 100 GPs to update their knowledge of ovarian cancer help early diagnosis.

Plus you’ll get a November Nights kit, which includes a free gift to get your night off to a great start.

To sign up, readers can visit

Simon Taylor

Target Ovarian Cancer

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