MPs vote to trigger Brexit process

Wigan borough MPs backed the Brexit Bill on WednesdayWigan borough MPs backed the Brexit Bill on Wednesday
Wigan borough MPs backed the Brexit Bill on Wednesday
The House of Commons voted overwhelmingly in favour of legislation to pave the way for Theresa May to trigger the formal process of leaving the EU last night.

All four borough MPs voted for the European Union (Notification Of Withdrawal) Bill, part of 498 to do so.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was unable to contain a revolt by 47 MPs, including two shadow cabinet ministers, who defied his orders to vote against the Bill.

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The borough's trio of Labour MPs had backed the remain campaign in last year's historic poll but decided not to register a protest vote yesterday.

Posting on Twitter, Makerfield MP Yvonne Fovargue said: "I will vote to trigger Article 50, respecting will of my constituents and the wider UK as expressed in the referendum."

Wigan borough residents last year backed Brexit with 64 per cent of the vote.

Conservative Bolton West MP Chris Green, whose constituency covers parts of the borough, campaigned in favour of Brexit and backed last night's Bill.

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Although the Bill cleared its first Commons hurdle easily, skirmishes over the legislation will come during its committee stage from Monday to Wednesday next week, when MPs will scrutinise the Bill in detail and put forward amendments for votes.

Third reading, the Bill's final Commons stage, is also expected on February 8, giving MPs a final chance to say whether they approve of the Bill before it passes to the House of Lords, where the stages are repeated.