Ian running 700 miles for Sepsis charity

Ian YatesIan Yates
Ian Yates
A keen runner is taking on his biggest challenge yet to raise money in memory of his father.

Ian Yates has already taken on some tough feats, last year completing the Ultra Great Britain 200-mile race and the Thames Path Challenge 100km race.

He was raising money for UK Sepsis Trust as his dad Granville Yates, from Ashton, died of sepsis in May 2014.

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Now the dad-of-two will cover even more miles after setting himself a new fund-raising challenge.

This year he is aiming to run races covering 700 miles.

He plans to take part in 13 races, including the Wigan 10k and several marathons.

On the list are two 50-mile races and two 100-milers, as well as a return to the 200-mile Ultra Great Britain.

Ian, of Hilgay Close, Winstanley, said: “On the back of last year, when I did 200 miles and then 62 miles, I was thinking of upping it a bit and increasing the challenge.

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“Sepsis asked me to do the Great North Run on a charity place.

“I decided to do 700 miles for Sepsis. It was a number that factors in all the races I wanted to think about doing. It’s a nice round number.”

Ian, 43, has already started clocking up the miles.

He ran the Chester 50-mile ultramarathon in March and the Manchester marathon earlier this month.

And at the weekend he completed the Liverpool to Manchester 50-miler.

But he still has plenty more races to come.

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He said: “I’m feeling okay. I’m looking forward to the majority of them.

“The one I’m panicking about is the Pennine Barrier, which is 100 miles over the peaks. Some guys did a recce and said it’s going to be brutal. It’s not just mentally challenging, it’s really physical. It’s going to be in the dark as well as in the day.

“Once I get that out of the way, I can focus on the big one which is the 200.”

It is not just the 700 miles in the races - he will run more miles when his training is included.

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He is currently running around 50 miles a week, fitting it in alongside his work as a systems analyst.

He said: “I’m doing my training with Wigan Harriers. I’m doing speed and hill training. Fortunately now it’s lighter evenings our training is up to Haigh Hall and I’m using that for the training sessions for the Pennine Barrier and the others.

“Then I’m going out with friends on a regular Sunday morning. We go out and do a minimum of 10 miles to keep some mileage in. We have called ourselves the Downhill Runners because we hate hills.”

Ian has set himself a target of raising £1,000 for UK Sepsis Trust - but would like to double that if possible.

Thoughts of his dad will spur him.

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Ian said: “My dad would say I was mad but he would probably be smiling when he said it.

“I have always pushed myself to the limit and I’m determined to do it.

“As I’m doing more and more things like this, I see my friends saying they want to try an ultra. If I can do it, anyone can.”

The 13 races in Ian’s challenge are: Chester 50M, Manchester marathon, Liverpool to Manchester 50M, Hardcastle Craggs 24-hour race, Liverpool to Manchester 100M, Bolton Hill marathon, Pennine Barrier 100M, Ultra Great Britain 200M, Wigan 10k, Great North Run, Knowsley Safari Park 10M Monkey Run, Palma half marathon and Snowdonia marathon.

To sponsor Ian, go to www.justgiving.com/yatesy7307.