Firework destroys cancer patient's shed

Fire serviceFire service
Fire service
An out-of-control firework completely gutted a garden shed and also caused damage to the home of a cancer patient.

Firefighters were called to an address on Dugdale Road in Ashton at around 8.15pm on Saturday November 5.

They found a man trying to prevent the fire spreading but he was visibly suffering the effects of smoke inhalation and had to be treated by paramedics.

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He was badly shaken by the incident and received oxygen therapy at the scene.

The crews believe the firework set some plastic garden furniture alight before the flames spread to the shed and began to encroach on the house.

They managed to ensure only the back door of the property was damaged but the shed and garden furniture were completely destroyed in the blaze.

Firefighters think the firework came from a display at a nearby private house and are now urging Wiganers to ensure they are only setting off ones suitable for small gardens.

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Crew manager Simon Connor from Wigan fire station said: “When we got there a man was inside trying to stop the flames coming into the house but he had to be led from the building.

“It turned out he is having chemotherapy and has had to retire from work due to his health. The shed was a birthday present and it was completely damaged by fire.

“This incident shows the whole problem with fireworks. Nobody deliberately went out of the way to set this fire but you have no control over some of them.

“Some of the fireworks being set off in the area were rather large and if you look at the instructions a lot of the bigger ones say they shouldn’t be within 20 metres of a property.

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People should not be lighting them in back gardens about four metres away from another house.”

Crews from Wigan and Hindley fire stations attended the incident and were at the scene for about 45 minutes.

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