Festive cheer for Bobby and family

Bobby Baldwin with parents Emma Doherty and John BaldwinBobby Baldwin with parents Emma Doherty and John Baldwin
Bobby Baldwin with parents Emma Doherty and John Baldwin
A toddler with a serious heart condition will be able to celebrate Christmas at home after a successful operation.

The family of 18-month-old Bobby Baldwin held an early Christmas Day for him last month, complete with turkey, crackers and a Christmas tree.

They had been told Bobby was likely to be in hospital on Christmas Day and did not want him to miss out.

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The tot has three holes in his heart and was born with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries, which means blood cannot pump round his body because he has no pulmonary arteries.

He went into hospital on Friday for an operation to try to widen the narrowing on the left-hand side of his heart using specialist ballooning.

His parents Emma Doherty and John Baldwin had been told he could need open heart surgery for the third time in his short life, probably just before Christmas, if it did not work.

During the operation at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, Bobby suffered an internal bleed and doctors stopped the ballooning for an hour to make sure he was okay.

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But fortunately they were able to continue the procedure and it was a success.

Emma updated the 1,700 followers on the Bobby’s Bravery Facebook page afterwards.

She wrote: “They have managed to open his left artery to a reasonable size and so doesn’t need a emergency open heart!!!

“The right artery they had to leave due to his internal bleed but he will be back in around 4-6weeks for another try. Unfortunately they have said they don’t think they can still do much for his right artery but still going to try again. If not surgery may be an option but will be early next year.”

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She added: “Bobby you will be home for Christmas and I’m sure we all agree he deserves his two turkey dinners (no more toys though).”

Emma thanked everyone who had cared for Bobby at the hospital, as well as friends and family for their support.

Bobby returned home to his home on Gorman Walk, Worsley Mesnes, on Saturday and is now recovering.

His family is looking forward to spending Christmas Day with him and making more happy memories together.

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Bobby will go back into hospital in the New Year so a stent can be put in the left artery to keep it open and the right artery can also be widened.

Emma told the Evening Post: “I’m really happy but there is still a lot more to come.

“The year won’t be how I thought it was, but is looks better than it did a few weeks ago.

“He seems to be getting more and more support. It’s been absolutely amazing the support that Wigan has given, he couldn’t have been born in a better town.”

Follow Bobby’s progress at www.facebook.com/Bobbysbravery

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