Wigan burglar with 34 offences on his criminal record is back in the dock - but avoids jail

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A Wigan “career burglar” with an “appalling” criminal record has once again been in the dock to admit taking gardening equipment.

Kevin Furlong pleaded guilty to burglary from a garage and handling stolen goods when he appeared at Wigan Magistrates’ Court.

The offences took place in the Lancaster area and involved high-powered equipment worth around £1,430.

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The court was told Furlong had no fewer than 34 offences of burglary on his criminal record.

Prosecuting, Tess Kenyon said police noticed a Nissan Qashqai piled high with tools and Furlong, of Millers Lane, Platt Bridge, in the passenger seat at around 5am on June 6 last year.

The burglary happened at a property in Abbeystead with items including a lawnmower, strimmer, hedge trimmer and petrol can disappearing. A door lock and a side window had been damaged to gain entry to the garage.

A second resident living in a rural area then said the shed at the bottom of his garden had been opened and more gardening equipment removed.

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Ms Kenyon said: “It’s fair to say Furlong is a career burglar. This case is clearly aggravated by his appalling record.”

Defending, Nick Woosey said the 50-year-old said he had been picked up by a man who turned out to be a co-defendant and driven on what he thought was a camping weekend. However, the other man disappeared for around half an hour after stopping the car and then drove to a country lane where boxes of items were laid out.

Furlong was told he had to accept that handling those goods, knowing they had been got hold of illegally, was a serious criminal offence. Ms Kenyon said Furlong had apologised for upset caused in police interview.

He received a community order with 25 rehabilitation activity requirements and a four-month curfew. He was ordered to pay £200 compensation.