Coat donations are a warming gesture from Wiganers

The Brick charity coat donation rail  at the Wigan Investment CentreThe Brick charity coat donation rail  at the Wigan Investment Centre
The Brick charity coat donation rail at the Wigan Investment Centre
Wigan’s leading homelessness charity has taken collection of several warm weather coats thanks to kind-hearted donations.

Wigan data firm Cloud Perspective teamed up with The Brick to encourage people to donate their spare coats, gloves, scarves and other winter garments to the borough’s less fortunate.

The data firm set up a coat rack in the reception of the Wigan Investment Centre, where Cloud Perspective has its offices, where people could donate a coat or even take one if they were in need of a winter coat.

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Around a dozen of the coats have already been delivered to the charity’s hub in Arcade Street by Cloud Perspective bosses.

Co-founder Martyn Leman said: “We’re extremely grateful to all those that have given so far and, of course, if you or anybody you know need a coat please take one or more.

“Our plan is to take more coats across to Addaction next week, so feel free to keep on giving.

“In fact, if you have an excess of warm jumpers, hoodies or thermal underwear please bring them along too.”