Time for walkies if you want to get fit

Yvonne Jones with her dogYvonne Jones with her dog
Yvonne Jones with her dog
Wiganers are being urged to to get outdoors and walk the dog - even if you don’t own one!

January is International Walk Your Dog Month so people are being asked get up off the sofa and start walking off those festive treats - borrowing a four-legged friend if you have to.

The benefits of walking on both your physical and mental health are well documented, but it is also an absolutely essential part of your dog’s wellbeing.

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Dogs need physical exercise every day as well as the mental stimulation it provides. Beat the January blues by getting out there every day.

Even on cold or wet days a short “sniff” walk around the block makes a big difference.

Yvonne Jones, from Dog First Aid explains the impact of walking on her own mental health: “Walking your dog is a great antidote to the misery of covid restrictions.

“Not only are you able to get out of the house and get some fresh air and exercise, but you can meet other walkers.

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“As long as you follow the rules and keep a safe distance it is lovely just to be able to pass the time of day with another human!

“Humans and dogs are social animals. Just a small amount of daily contact in this way is really rewarding.”

Yvonne is the owner of two mixed breeds, Chewie and Indy. She also understands first hand the importance of being safe while you’re out walking your dog: “Both of my dogs are rather accident-prone! Luckily I’m well versed in canine first aid because I’ve had to put my knowledge into practice on a number of occasions.

“I would definitely advise all dog owners and walkers to carry a first aid kit with them and also to have the knowledge of what to do in an emergency.

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“Both of my dogs will eat anything they can find, however unsuitable.

“Whether it’s choking, poisoning or any other emergency, it’s important to know what to do and to be able to act quickly.”

Make it a New Year’s resolution to get out and about more with your furry friend.

Get in touch with Yvonne by visiting www.dog-first-aid.com/merseyside/, emailing [email protected] or calling 07425 195794

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